Current Students: Click here to access Coaching School Round 9

Get high level professional training as a Transformation Life Coach

You’ve been on this journey for a while, and you have discovered that you have so much to offer. You’re intuitive about people’s needs, and your friends and family feel safe and nurtured when they speak to you.

Maybe it's your time

What would happen if you chose to train as a professional coach?
What could you do if you had training that is both science based and holistic? If you could train with feminine intuition and empathy that is grounded in solid technique?

What would happen if you chose to be guided on a healing journey to your greatest self?



Read on to find out if this is the coaching
school for you!

The School of Coaching and Transformation is a powerful mixed modality school that empowers women with a hands on and comprehensive coach training..

Whether you come to learn to coach or for your own growth, this exhilarating, penetrating work will open you up to your greatest strength. You will learn to hold hearts and empower soul missions.


Learn, integrate and become experts in multi-faceted TLC (Transformation Life Coaching) skills.


Experience your own transformation as you train – watch your relationships shift and heal.


Be equipped with the knowledge that will enable you to coach others to their greatest empowerment and service.


Make new and lasting friendships. Become a part of the uplifting and inspiring school community. 

want to become a life coach?

Registration for coaching school opens twice a year. Registration for Round 6 which began on Feb. 1, 2022, is now closed.
Please sign up to our email list to stay informed about when registration will open again and to receive all of our news, articles, and updates.


we do things a little differently around here. watch this video to find out how!


the heroine’s journey

all great stories begin with a conflict.

our heroine begins her journey as a victim with a disintegration of her identity, relationships or dreams. this is a lonely and confusing beginning. she is a seed in the ground, decomposing.

from here she rises into awareness . she lifts her head and readies herself to receive support and strength for her struggle. there is hope for a new beginning.

with loving guidance she moves into experience and takes on new action. she watches herself show up differently in her life, with new decisions and choices. she begins to come alive.

with time, she touches transcendence, the grateful awareness to god for the journey. she recognizes the hard-earned lessons that have made her who she is today. her heart heals and she is filled with purpose, contribution and wisdom.

redemption is when our heroine not only heals, but becomes all that she is meant to be. she is filled with self-love and vitality as she has found her path, found her power and found god’s love for her. she has softness and strength, she is honest and compassionate. she becomes a guide to the next woman on her heroic journey.

the redemption ladder is based on universal principals learned from our exodus from egypt. the pain of our history is the birthing place of our greatest light.

learn our process

get trained as a transformation life coach and awaken the heroic guide within. help women on a spiritual and emotional journey to their most powerful selves.


Step 4:


Step 3:


Step 2:


Step 1:


where would you be in six months, if you started your training today?


Years ago,

I received classic Life Coach training at a premiere coach training school. I began my practice equipped with tools and an education that was invaluable and solid. At that time, I was receiving healing work from an outside practitioner and I noticed that the more work I received the better my coaching became. The healing that I was receiving was having a ripple effect. I began to reach people in ways I never thought possible. I was learning about love. I saw that the more I was willing to look at myself with love, the greater the room it gave clients to see themselves with love.

I began to get hungry. Hungry for knowledge. Hungry to understand. What is healing? What is transformation? How can I best offer it to another person? With Hashem’s loving kindness I began to encounter more and more modes of healing. Somatic Work, Inner Child Work, Compassionate Holding, Integrated Transcendence, and more. At that same time, in my own growth process, I was deepening my emunah/faith, working on forgiveness, and solidifying my knowledge that only Hashem/G-D is the one, true Healer.

I was led to different teachers and slowly, my approach evolved. It was a blend of all the incredible lessons I’d learned, along with my own passion for seeing people flourish.

During this time, I began to run Redemption Retreats. The extended length of these retreats and the diversity of my staff allowed us to use all of the modalities at once. The results were amazing. Every Retreat was a three-day long song of growth. At the heart of it all, however, it was the unconditionally accepting atmosphere and the space of emunah/faith that held the miracles.

Following the Retreat, many participants experienced powerful growth, both through the Retreat work and through their follow-up coaching. They were on fire. They became ready to help others.


It was time to open Rivka Malka’s School of Coaching and Transformation.


Dear Fellow Traveler,
I’m so glad you are here. Life is constantly changing and sometimes it’s hard to get your bearings. Wow, do I know what that’s like.
Here’s what I’ve learned: No matter what happens, with every change comes an opportunity. You can heal from your story and find new strength, wisdom and leadership.
It’s like you are a seed that’s decomposing, and when you will sprout you will be something new and even more beautiful.
I’m so happy for you that you are considering coaching. Its a privilege to support you as you become the woman you are meant to be.
Love, Rivka Malka


TLC, Transformation Life Coaching is changing who you are by changing what you do.
Here’s the plan.
Your coach will give you support and encouragement as you articulate a vision and create a plan to see it through. She is here to nurture your latent strengths, believe in you and hold a wide open space for anything to happen.
She is your guide towards healing, self – love and celebration of your life and strengths.

break your patterns

Uncover your blocks and process through the feelings that created them.

change your relationships

As you change, so will your relationships. Discover the peace within yourself and watch the ripple effects as you gain skills and knowledge.

achieve your goals

Get accountability for the goals you set. Start producing like never before. Watch yourself take control of your life choices. Have a personal cheerleader!

experience self love & inner peace

As you are compassionately supported for being you, you will experience an awakening of self love and acceptance.

Move Forward

Blast through fear or resistance and gain tools, knowledge and confidence to move your life forward.

Discover Your Life Mission

Become intimately aware of the unique nature of your gifts and how you are meant to serve in the world.


the world needs what only you have to offer.

join the thousands of
women on a

“Rivka Malka really helps you find that love and that self-acceptance that Hashem really wants you to have in order for you to be able to fulfill your life’s purpose“


“Coaching has been so incredible for me. We connect on Mondays and this really helps me focus for the upcoming week, as well as reflect on how I’d like to make changes or improve certain areas. Rivka Malka has an incredible listening ear and I truly value the clarity that she brings to whatever I happen to be working on at the moment. ”


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